Monday, August 6, 2018

To R. Moody on collusion - weekend of August 5, 2018

Hey Rick!

No doubt you are planning this, already, but there must be a ton of analysis about DT's admission that he "colluded" by getting "oppositional research" from a foreign power. The New Yorker thinks this is a real turning point.

My own two cents is that the  matter is just wonky enough to be obfuscatable, and DT is pushing the envelope. ["Everybody does it, it's legal." except it isn't when viewed as  campaign contribution from a foreigner, let alone from a hostile power.] It could be that DT is testing the waters to see how much more he can get away with. He has admitted to something not that different from shooting someone on 5th Avenue. In terms of illegality, it is just as brazen. 

As we know, fascism creeps up on a society. Small offenses become bigger and bigger ones, and we get inured to them. This month's New York Review of Books contains  a remark by a Dutch historian (in the article about global warming called, "the Great Melt") It seems the Dutch papers were full of alarm at the menace  of Nazism in 1933, but by 1938 there was hardly a mention anymore. People got tired of hearing about it. Nothing they could do about it anyway. A kind of variation, perhaps, on the  analogy of the frog in water slowly heating to the boiling point. 

I am nearing the end of Snyder's The Road to Unfreedom. If you haven't read it, please do. He draws on untranslated sources largely unknown in the West. he makes a convincing, and frightening case. Toward the end he predicts an attempted putsch to suspend the coming election. The voter fraud commission may be a trial balloon for that kind of thing, Fortunately, it didn't produce the results he desired.

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