You may be right. Your judgment about his ego is just that, though. Hard to verify, not to say gratuitous, I can forgive him for the jet-fighter. I buy his explanation that since it was going to happen anyway, it might as well be in his own state. Isn't this exactly the kind of realism you endorse?
I take your point about MLK running for office. But more interesting to me is the interplay between leaders and movements. Just because he is running for office doesn't mean BS is NOT leading a movement. How would he ever have got this far if there WEREN'T a movement?
Which brings me back to the question of demographics. The FACT is that BS's support varies inversely with age - including among African-Americans and women. I assume you do not consider Michelle Alexander to be seduced by "hot air." How about Keith Ellison? And why, would you say, Elizabeth Warren has not endorsed HC? If this be not a movement, but only an egotistical side-show, how do we account for these facts?,
It is possible - and entirely realistic - to conclude that the Reps are self-destructing and that the emerging political landscape is dominated by forces represented by the two Democrats. Time will tell, and no one can be sure. But the demographics, the best polls, and all the actual elections so far seem to support this conclusion.